San Diego Wreck Alley

 May 17/18, 2025 & July 12/13, 2025

Two days of Boat diving, 3 Dives on Saturday and 2 dives on Sunday


You must be a PADI Advanced Diver, and you must be 15 years old.

It is also HIGHLY recommended that you are certified as a PADI EAN-Nitrox Diver.

Come join us for two days aboard the Humboldt and dive San Diego’s Wreck Alley!  Wreck Alley consists of a group of artificial reefs 1.8 miles off the coastline of Pacific Beach. This recreational dive area has been an ongoing project by the San Diego Diving Council and the California Department of Fish and Game since 1986. Depths range from 65′ to 105′.   Possible wreck dive sites include:

The Yukon

At 366 feet in length, the Yukon is one of California’s largest wrecks accessible by divers and is the most intact wreck divers can visit.  She was intentionally sunk in July of 2000. An abundance of entry and exit holes were cut into her to increase accessibility as well as diver safety. Penetration is readily available for those with the proper certifications. However, there is plenty to see on the exterior including both forward and aft gun turrets.  She lies on her port side in about 100′ of water with an average minimum depth of about 75’ along the starboard side.

The Ruby E

The Ruby E was a 165-foot-long Coast Guard Cutter, was sunk in June of 1989 and sits in about 85 feet of water.  She has been down for over 35 years with the harsh environment taking its toll.  There are areas where the sides of the superstructure and hull are getting quite thin, but the wreck remains intact. She sits upright on the bottom and is intact and penetrable. However, caution should be taken when penetrating, as sharp rusted metal is all around. Most of the wreck is covered with growth, such as strawberry anemones.

NOSC Tower

Built in 1959 and used through the late 1980’s, this research platform was used by the Naval Electronics Lab (NEL) and Naval Ocean Systems Center (NOSC), hence where it got its name.  It once stood over 100 feet tall and was the naval research center for measuring internal waves, swell, wave propagation and numerous other oceanographic areas.  In 1988, during El Nino, huge waves battered the Tower and during the night, a rogue wave smashed into the tower toppling it forever onto the ocean floor. Today, it’s a tangle of girders and beams. A previously good dive site is now even more intriguing, as time and the inhabiting marine life have really developed the site in one of the most colorful and populated artificial reefs in San Diego.

 May 17/18, 2025 & July 12/13, 2025

Two days of Boat diving, 3 Dives on Saturday and 3 dives on Sunday

 Cost for this adventure:


Refund Policy & Trip Insurance

Diver Dan’s recommends buying Trip Insurance in the event you are unable to go on this trip.

If you need to cancel this trip, the refund policy for this trip is:

1. If more than 90 days prior departure date: Full Refund.
2. If 90 days or less prior to departure date: NO REFUNDS.
3. If you drop less than 90 days prior to departure Diver Dan’s will attempt to help you sell your spot.